5 Things You Must Know About Your Personal Injury Trial

If the worst has happened and you now find yourself preparing to go to court, you should know that there are several things you can do to make your time in court easier and more successful. You and your personal injury attorney may have hoped that your case would be settled out of court, but in some cases, you must go to trial to get compensated for your injuries from an auto accident. While your attorney is undoubtedly well-prepared to represent you against the at-fault driver, you can increase your chances of having a less-stressful court appearance by reading and following the five things to know about your personal injury trial below.

1. From the moment you file suit against the other driver's insurance company, you should expect to be under surveillance on a regular basis. Insurance investigators will be employed to photograph and record your movements both in public and sometimes when you are in your own backyard for the sole purpose of catching you performing a physical movement that you claim to be unable to do because of your injuries. Be very aware of your behavior at all times to prevent a nasty surprise video being shown in court.

2. Be prepared to be completely honest with your attorney before your case comes to trial, including any and all information about your past criminal, employment and financial history. It may not seem fair to be further victimized by having your private life broadcast to all, but the other side will employ every technique available to strengthen their case. Do yourself and your attorney a big favor and allow your attorney time to prepare a response to any allegations of past behavior that could damage your case.

3. Be ready for your interrogation by reviewing your paperwork and working with your legal team. Your attorney will be a wealth of information from past cases and can help you practice answering any predicted questions. Your ability to answer questions without hesitation will impress the judge (and jury, if present) by providing crystal clear testimony.

4. Take care when being interrogated by the other side, (the defendants) by following these tips:

  • Keep a cool head and don't allow yourself to becomes flustered; take your time and choose your words carefully.
  • Stick to answering the questions asked; don't ramble on or volunteer any information not specifically asked for.
  • Beware of open-ended questions; give the minimum answer required.
  • If you do get nervous and misspeak, correct yourself as soon as possible to ensure that it goes on the record.

5. Be patient with the court process; trials are not a smooth progression but are instead more like an obstacle course of delays, continuances, motions, hearings and more. Court cases that were supposed to take weeks can go on for months and months.

It's no surprise that the word "trial" is another word for "ordeal," but with the help of your personal injury attorney, your time in court can be successful and as stress-free as possible. Contact a lawyer like Kathleen Kentish Lucero Atty At Law for more information.
